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Hotel cards

Hotel Cards

Problem Statement

Current cards are not following industry best practices. User research and competitor analysis show that users
want to see key information highlighted. Cards are missing information users expect to see.

Hotel card


Before search

icon toggle
Hotel card
Hotel card

User Needs

I want to be able to narrow down results easily. I don’t usually purchase travel in one sitting so I’d
like easily pick up where I left off. To do that, be able to:

arrow icon

Scan cards for key information

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Save, share and come back to the properties I’m interested in

best practices

1. Provide Multiple Thumbnails in the Search Results

2. Display Both the Nightly Rate
and the Total Cost Of Stay

3. Ensure Property Listing Thumbnail
Is Visually Enticing and Highlights 
Key Property Details

4. Always Include the User Ratings
and number of ratings

5. Ensure Prices Are Clear in List Items ls

6. Implement Save Features

Qualitative Research

We reviewed feedback from A/B prototype tests of T+L GO, as well as competitor website layouts.

Users expect a photo carousel on cards, users want as many images as possible of the property

Users want relevant information on the cards so they don’t have to go to the details page to get it, including price, rating, amenities, descriptions.

Competitor Analysis

Adding suggested information to cards would put Travel + Leisure Go on par with competitors

Hotel Card Analysis Table

What to test

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Does removing any info such as hotel class and/or location impact conversions?

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What way of displaying savings performs better?


Data suggest that more cards on screen converts higher.

Does removing hotel class and/or location impact conversions?

• Do most users look for hotel class on cards or do they filter 
based on hotel class if it’s important to them?

• Do we need to display “New York” if they searched for “New York”?

• Competitor analysis inconclusive

Next Step: Further testing required

Hotel Cards


What performs better?

• cross-out

• percentage

• dollar amount off

• call out (ie: member favorite, great deal, best deal)

• combo of the above

Next Step: Further testing required

Hotel Cards