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Hotel Search Results

a laptop with hotel carts

Problem Statement

Current search results are not in-line with industry standards. Qualitative user research and competitor analysis
shows that users want to narrow down results quickly, and use the map and cards at the same time.

Purposeful Filters

Hotel search navbar
Hotel Search Filters

User Needs

I want to be able to narrow down results easily. I don’t usually purchase travel in one
sitting so I’d like easily pick up where I left off. To do that, be able to:

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Sort and filter quickly and easily, including quick filter options so user does not have to open any modal or dropdown

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Have the ability to see the results and map at the same time, so I can use the map to narrow down my results

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Have the ability to save properties and searches so I can come back to my research

best practices

1 . Promote Important Filters Above the List to Shorten  Search Time

2. Always Display Search Results in “Split View” with List and Map

Competitor Analysis

Moving filters to the top, adding quick filter options, and creating a combined list + map view will make Travel + Leisure Go on par with competitors.

hotel search criteria table

Qualitative Research

We performed un-moderated live user tests, one to get feedback on competitor layouts, and one to validate our prototypes.

Users prefer a combined list and map view while they are narrowing down their results.

Users want relevant sort and filters that can be accessed quickly.

Prototype Discovery

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Is it easy for users to edit search criteria (location, dates, guests) in the top navbar?

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Can users filter and sort easily?

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Do users use the quick filters?

a laptop with hotel maps

What to test

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# of clicks of Filters – which ones are most important to users?

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Are users saving searches?

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Are users saving properties to their list?

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Are users sharing their lists?

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Scroll depth – how many results are they scrolling past?

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Map interactions – Are they clicking checkbox or expanding the map?